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With a free account you can access all the content on Torah Portions. Join users worldwide searching for Jewish educational resources: Weekly Torah Portion, Jewish Holidays, Classic Jewish Texts, and Jewish Topics of Interest Today is Sat 26, 2024 | Tishrei 24, 5785 This week's Torah reading is Bereishit Living with the Parsha. com/AC-Ufaratzta-by-Noam-Katz-1890. 2 days ago · A d’var Torah (a word of Torah) is a talk or essay based on the parashah (the weekly Torah portion). minn kota ulterra problems 2021 Weekly Parsha Guide: Lech Lecha. Perhaps I should have written about Pesach instead, for that is what the parsha was about. Here are some movers and shakers to consider S. If a women makes a vow but her father (while she is living home and too young to leave) or her […] This week’s write-up is adapted from the hashkafa portion of Rabbi Yissochar Frand’s Commuter Chavrusah Series on the weekly Torah portion. The word comes from a Hebrew word meaning end or conclusion. golf carts for sale under dollar3000 The next section of the parsha introduces us to many new laws: the prohibitions against cursing a judge or leader, sanctifying the first born son. Catch up on some of our most shared content from this week in this week's roundup. The name of the Parshah, "Miketz," means "At the end" and it is found in Genesis 41:1 Joseph’s imprisonment finally ends when Pharaoh dreams of seven fat cows that are swallowed up by seven lean cows, and of seven fat ears of grain swallowed by seven lean ears. The portion, Haazinu (Give Ear), deals with the entrance to the land of Israel. My hope is that users will find this site to be a useful resource in preparing their weekday Torah readings. mark 2 niv Parsha review and insights for the Shabbos table Parents Guide to Home Learning - Week 10. ….

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